Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Milking Almonds

Yay! This is my first official post! I am really excited to share all of my recipes, craft projects and gardening endeavors.

So I've recently been trying to eat only fruits, veggies and nuts, which was very difficult at first, but is getting much easier. Anyway I was looking at some recipes for raw biscotti and many of them called for almond pulp(the stuff left over after you make almond milk). This led me to research the process of making almond milk, which turns out to be a super simple process. I decided to give it a try, not only would I have the almond pulp I needed to make the raw biscotti, but I would also have some super yummy raw almond milk to drink!

So really all you need to make almond milk is:
1 cup of raw blanched almonds(I had to blanch my own because I couldn't find any in the store)
about 5 cups water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
a blender
cheesecloth(I just used a thin women's handkerchief)
and a fine strainer

The first thing to do is soak the almonds in a bowl of water overnight. This softens the almonds and makes it a little easier on your blender.
After the almonds have soaked overnight you need to drain and discard the water. Now the blender comes into play. Pour the drained almonds into the blender with 1 cup of fresh water. Turn the blender on the highest setting and let it do its magic for a minute or two. After that add the vanilla and another 1 1/2 cups water and turn the blender to the highest setting again. 

I let my almond, water and vanilla concoction blend for about 3 minutes(my blender is super old). You should end up with a frothy liquid that looks and smells very much like almond milk. You could be done and drink it at this stage, but it would be slightly grainy, so you need to strain out the almond pulp. I put my fine metal strainer over a 4 cup measuring up and then laid my handkerchief(or cheesecloth) inside of that. Take the blender and start pouring the liquid into the handkerchief. I wasn't able to pour it all in at once, I poured about half in, waited a few minutes and then poured the other half in. 

Now just wait, once the liquid coming through the strainer is only dripping take the edges of the handkerchief together and start squeezing the remaining liquid out of the pulp. Then voila... you have almond milk! I put my finished almond milk in a glass Masen jar and put it in the fridge, where it should be good for 4 to 5 days. I also took the pulp that was left in the handkerchief and spread it out on a large plate to dry out.

Like I said I want to make raw biscotti with it, but it can also be used in place of almond flour in recipes. Be creative! I'm sure it can be used in a lot of different ways. I try to throw away as little as possible so I always am looking for ways to use food parts that we normally throw away. 

I hope you enjoy your fresh almond milk!
Have a wonderful day!

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